Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So I'm redecorating my room.
and not just minor changes.

Excited? Yes!

I like french architecture, like vines and the swirly emblems.
I like cutesy things too, and vintage.

I died when i seen this.

Sad thing about living in a small town is you can't exactly find things easily. Point duh.

Everything you pretty much have to buy online if you even want anything not to countryish around here, even redneckish. EH:/

I love hearing new ideas of what I could do.
Wanna share some of your ideas?


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

That is a really cute print. You could always try making it yourself? Do you have photoshop? Try thrift shops and updating it to look more like what you want! Hope that helped!

Simply Shea said...

Thank you! I actually attempted last night drawing it and it turned out all right except when i tried to get it colored, thats where i failed. I'll deffintly try the thrift store idea, thank you so much (: