Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Each days a new day :)

30 Day:);
day 6- favorite super hero and why
This is a major toughy for me..
just because I forget of a lot of super heros. :p
I would say either superman. or spiderman..
but spiders scare me big time.
I like superman because he not only saves the day.
but his symbols the shizzz. :)
and he saves women in distress.
perfect gentleman!
If I can consider Edward Cullen a superhero. I would choose him in a heart beat.
I mean who doesnt love a vampire who saves you from getting hit by a fan.
or keeps you pure?
its love <3

S.S Day:);

This seems totally random. but freshman year, my life absorbed around the reason behind this symbol. AND who drew it.
hint; he's now mine :)

1 comment:

Amber Schmidt said...

Edward Cullen. LMAO~~

Spidey all the way. :)