Friday, August 20, 2010

All in one baby!

30 Day Challenge; DAY 2
What's the reason behind your blog name?
Truthfully theres no big ta-dow answer behind it. the blogs simply just about me,
or things I like and etc.etc.etc..
And for meeting and hearing others ideas.
so, simply me :)

SS Challenge; Day 2
Movie Review Time! 
ohkay so yesterday at 3 in the morning I finally got to watch a movie I have been dying over to see..
Remember Me
I would love to say I wanted too just because of the story line, but then I would be lying to all
Part of it is because Robert Pattinsons  hunky boys in it, how can anyone resist that?!
Why you should watch it?
Well one see above? ^ pretty boys in it. And honestly his actings pretty dang good in this one.
not all weird awkward quirky. 
2-- The story is beautiful. boy had a shitty life. girls had a shitty life. they depend on one another to help them through, and they fall in love<3
3-- He wins bribes to get her a stuffed animal. awhhhhh
4-- The best friend is HILARIOUS!
5--I love tyler and carolines relationship. for being brother and sisters they are so extremely close, its adorable.

Why you shouldnt
1! I wont ruin the end. but the end Pisses me off so majorly.
but then i honestly know if it had 'worked out' it wouldnt have been as good as sad as thats to say. because it would be the perfect story, nothing new. but i bawled so big still!
2! tylers girl, her hair about kills me. I want to fix her bang part.
Maybe thats why I just couldnt stand her, it was to big of a distraction :/
3! Another thing about the girl..she just annoyed me period because she kind of just leeched herself on him, root-roo.
4! and finally this last one is on robert pattinson..
so you could deffintly see she did her part and looked like she loved him in the movie (hell, maybe it wasnt a act;) but even though he tried. a lot of moments I just couldnt believe him that he even wanted to be there with her. hah
To me Robert deffintly made the film, and the dad :)

I say you should deffintly watch it!

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